What is Blog? Twitter? Facebook? Myspace? I have no idea. For me personally, this is going to be my own personal venting/documenting site. If you want to see my pics or find out what I'm doing on the daily, check out my Facebook. If you want to know every meaningless thought that pops into my head, follow my tweets. If you want to be disappointed, check out my non-existent Myspace.
At this point I realize that a part of me is disappointed in myself for allowing so much meaningless technology into my life. But then another part of me realizes that each technological thing brings a little bit of happiness into my life in one way or another. As long as I don't let it consume my life, I'll be alright......right?
Who am I kidding. I've never been able to keep a journal. I can't even send my family emails. This blog will simmer out and die just like the other one. I just wasn't meant for the technological age. I was meant for.....Middle Earth. Haha just kidding........kind of.
Love, Anycia